
Cool Hairstyles 02

Written By Admin on Sunday, September 23, 2012 | 11:20 AM

The best summer hairstyles are easy to manage, fun, and sexy. No matter what your hair type you can find a great summer hairstyle that plays up your best features. Men and women alike need a great summer hairstyle and there are many different types of fun styles to take advantage of.

One fun hairstyle for summer, for either men or women, is a short and light style. Men can cut the hair short all over while leaving the top layers a bit longer and shaggy. Women can cut a below the ear bob with many different layers that create a shaggy yet sexy summer look. Both men and women can add light blond highlights, strategically placed, that give a sun kissed look to the hairstyle.

For men and women with longer hair the ponytail is the best summer hairstyle. There are several reasons why. First, it keeps the hair pulled back, out of your face, and off your neck. This translates into a cool hairstyle with minimal work. Also, ponytails are easy for women and can go from casual to classy with just a little bit of styling gel and a pretty clip or pin. The same goes for men who can gel the hair before putting it in a ponytail for a classier look. Overall, ponytails are a fun summer hairstyle that work really well for men and women, are versatile, and don't require a major change in hairstyle. Some strategically placed highlights can further enhance the cool summer style of the ponytail.

Cool Hairstyles
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